January 10 is Houseplant Appreciation Day . You may wonder why the common green plant gets it’s own day to be recognized, but it is because house plants can be far from ordinary! As a matter of fact, they are quite amazing. Studies have proven time and again that plants which are kept in a home or office offer a host of emotional and physical benefits. From fighting pollution in our homes, to promoting our health and wellness, green plants are highly versatile and helpful.
According to NASA research, common house plants are heroic pollution fighters, removing as much as 87% of the toxins in our indoor air which are caused by smoke, paints, inks, carpets and even textiles. While all green plants are thought to have this ability, the best plants for the job are ivy, ficus, philodendrons, spider plants, peace lilies, ferns, chrysanthemums and palms. You can detox the great majority of your home or office within 24 hours by adding a plant for every 100 square feet of space. Incredibly, studies have shown that indoor plants also fight colds, reducing coughs, sore throats, fatigue and more by about 30%, – simply by releasing moisture into the air, resulting in increased humidity and less free floating dust.
Plants are aesthetically pleasing, but the American Horticultural Therapy Association relates that the benefits of green plants are evident in far more important ways, including cognitive, psychological and social. Increased self esteem, an overall sense of well-being and a better mood are common effects from a home filled with green plants; while stress and anxiety seem to melt away. This is especially meaningful in health care centers, as patients whose rooms have green plants experience lower blood pressure, normalized heart rates, and even faster recovery times. The fact that the presence of green plants also improves concentration, memory and attention spans makes a compelling argument for filling both dorm rooms and offices with green plants.
With so many positive reasons to have green plants in your home, it is easy to see why they generate such appreciation! Curran Brothers has a selection of green house plants for delivery to you, or to a friend or colleague. Start the new year off with good health, clean air and a better mood – surround yourself with green plants!