Currans Flowers

Currans Flowers

Posted by Currans Flowers on November 1, 2017 | Last Updated: October 15, 2020 Uncategorized

Gifts for the Givers

Heading to someone else’s home for Thanksgiving this year? You’re in good company (and will be, we trust). Last year, nearly 50 million people traveled 50 miles or more, over hill and dale, to break bread with family or friends who hosted them for the holiday. If that trend continues, and we here at Currans Flowers suspect it will, that’s a lot of people showing up on a lot of doorsteps. And we’re here to remind you not to do that empty-handed.

Even in these post-Emily Post days, it’s customary to offer your host or hostess a gift for their efforts, extending your gratitude and appreciation. We’ve got two suggestions for how to approach this gift-giving scenario.

You’ll never go wrong if you offer something floral, of course. But what? We like our Sedona Orchid Garden for a host or hostess gift for a couple of reasons. First, orchids are special. They’re the kind of flower you’re meant to cultivate and have for a long time. They elevate a space and add elegance. And in this case, they come alongside succulents in a garden bed. This is both a piece of decor as well as a fresh bloom.

On the other hand, there’s nothing like getting a gift basket and pulling out surprise after surprise. Our Large Gourmet Basket is lots of fun, full of jams and jellies to try. It’s nice to offer something to your hosts that they don’t have to find a space for (except in the pantry) and that they can enjoy without any prep on their part (unlike the dinner they just threw for you).

Think just a little outside of the box – or, rather in – with these two host gift ideas. We at Currans Flowers are here to help you put together the perfect gifts for the givers.